Friday, May 18, 2012


Here we came in the next solar maximum, as it happens in every 11-th year. The weather started to change. We should expect it. After May,12-th, it got cold and the temperatures fall about 5 deg. centigrade below the normal for the end of May. Appeared large cyclones over the continents with sleeves of massive clouds. People could think that the global worming is over but it is an illusion. The reason for the last one-week cold is the high-speed solar plasma reached the Earth on May 12. Most of people know that when solar storm occurs, a green radiance called aurora spreads over large areas on the sky, depending on the speed and the power of the solar wind. The atmosphere meets low heights because of the pressure over the magnetic shield. The radiation and temperatures climb the scale and the dynamics of the air streams  climbs too. The day sky becomes more bright and colored in electric-blue with green shade. The clouds appear to be seen rare, and they are shiny and white like cotton. The sunrise and sunset are colored in phosphorescent blue, pink and green.

In the peripheral front areas of the storm, the magnetic processes are dynamic too. The magnetic plasmа wind takes away ozone and oxygen in some amount of our atmosphere. Also the Earth receives a part of the solar radiation and plasma, rich of matter, gotten from the sun and space during the walk to the Earth. These particles hit the ground and the waters, vaporizing molecules in the air. They also could activate processes, connected with the heavy methane in the atmosphere or covered with ice on earth. A lot of air substance receives an electrical charge and could be involved in many chemical processes. In the magnetic storm is involved even a part of the covered night area. All these processes generate dynamic atmosphere conditions like: massive cyclones in a high layer of the atmosphere; large air streams; sudden winds; rainy storms; volcano eruptions and etc. When a few volcanoes are erupted, a lot of heaped clouds could appear every where. Since 2010 we observed such eruption in the beginning of every year like in the period 1996-1998. Since March, 2012, 13 volcanoes appeared to be awaken and now another one is expected. In 2001 and 2002 hurricanes, earthquakes and giant cyclones caused damages in America, Europe and Asia.

The close transits of cosmic objects or collisions and the saturation with space dust from some comet could produce changes too. The scientists Newton and Kepler had written the expression of the basic cosmic laws between the objects in a system more than 300 years ago, on which are based the cosmic sciences. The mankind has the necessary knowledge to understand and explain the processes in the world and the Universe. On June, 5-th, all astronomic societies will observe the serial transit of Venus between the Sun and Earth.

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