Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Will we see

Will we see each one again,
will we see a better day,
could I them forgive at all,
could we live in a better way?

Will we find a better world?
Next sunrise I took on dyce,
next ring taken in the worming cold,
by some lord of monsters on a wasted land.

Will we see each one again,
will we fix the worlds inside?
Dangerous was every day -
psychos all around the crowd.

Will we see each one again,
will we fix the broken world?
Horrible was every day -
by the psychos blacken life.

Will we see each one some day,
will have end those evil lies?
Like a prisoner I lived in vain,
obsessed by freaks were days of mine.

We will see each one some day,
we will save from evil our world,
„our precious“ will be our price,
they shall pay their debts for their crime.

Friday, May 25, 2012


I love the life. When you have a life, you are alive and eventually you can love. When you can love somebody, he/she eventually could fall in love with you. When you love somebody who loves you so true and strong, so both you want to share your lives till the day-end. When you are alive and you love somebody who loves you, and both you share your lives till the day-end of your lives in love, you have been given with the biggest gift of the life – love. When you realize that the love makes you alive, you will start to assume that there are many varieties and levels of love. When you start to realize all these varieties of love in the world, you will be entered the highest level of your existence, when you will develop a lot of power and your soul will start to grow. When your soul will start to grow, you will accumulate energy and will develop the wish to give. Then you will realize that you must find the rightest paths to give that energy for each variety and level of variety. When you start to build these very difficult abilities of the human entity, you will realize that there is a large system of supreme entities of existence, who have organized the entire structure you call world. Then you will see your self to be just like a dot, a neuron of a big net – the net of the Supreme Life in the Universe.

When You approach this level of existence, you will realize the need of Laws which you will want to build-in your entity's neurons, otherwise you could explode and could loose your “most precious” - the life. In that moment You will understand that this Life, You have been given by the Supreme Worlds, is the most important and precious gift that it could ever exist. When You understand this, you will start to respect Everyone's Life. If even in one moment of the time you dare to rule over the net, you will lose the Gift because you will have lost the energy just after a fixed period of the Time. And dear friend, if you did not make the mistakes of your Ego, you will realize that You are one of the happiest creatures on this planet you call Earth. When You recognize yourself, you will start to search others like You, otherwise you will reach only the level “happy in the loneliness”. When you will find them, you will realize that they exist for a long long time, much more than most people had taught you. The only way to be happy and complete, is to share this happiness you have already approached, only when you live among the People of your soul state. Then you will climb the next level and will realize that you could be with them even if you can not see them because you will be entered the Net...

Friday, May 18, 2012


Here we came in the next solar maximum, as it happens in every 11-th year. The weather started to change. We should expect it. After May,12-th, it got cold and the temperatures fall about 5 deg. centigrade below the normal for the end of May. Appeared large cyclones over the continents with sleeves of massive clouds. People could think that the global worming is over but it is an illusion. The reason for the last one-week cold is the high-speed solar plasma reached the Earth on May 12. Most of people know that when solar storm occurs, a green radiance called aurora spreads over large areas on the sky, depending on the speed and the power of the solar wind. The atmosphere meets low heights because of the pressure over the magnetic shield. The radiation and temperatures climb the scale and the dynamics of the air streams  climbs too. The day sky becomes more bright and colored in electric-blue with green shade. The clouds appear to be seen rare, and they are shiny and white like cotton. The sunrise and sunset are colored in phosphorescent blue, pink and green.

In the peripheral front areas of the storm, the magnetic processes are dynamic too. The magnetic plasmа wind takes away ozone and oxygen in some amount of our atmosphere. Also the Earth receives a part of the solar radiation and plasma, rich of matter, gotten from the sun and space during the walk to the Earth. These particles hit the ground and the waters, vaporizing molecules in the air. They also could activate processes, connected with the heavy methane in the atmosphere or covered with ice on earth. A lot of air substance receives an electrical charge and could be involved in many chemical processes. In the magnetic storm is involved even a part of the covered night area. All these processes generate dynamic atmosphere conditions like: massive cyclones in a high layer of the atmosphere; large air streams; sudden winds; rainy storms; volcano eruptions and etc. When a few volcanoes are erupted, a lot of heaped clouds could appear every where. Since 2010 we observed such eruption in the beginning of every year like in the period 1996-1998. Since March, 2012, 13 volcanoes appeared to be awaken and now another one is expected. In 2001 and 2002 hurricanes, earthquakes and giant cyclones caused damages in America, Europe and Asia.

The close transits of cosmic objects or collisions and the saturation with space dust from some comet could produce changes too. The scientists Newton and Kepler had written the expression of the basic cosmic laws between the objects in a system more than 300 years ago, on which are based the cosmic sciences. The mankind has the necessary knowledge to understand and explain the processes in the world and the Universe. On June, 5-th, all astronomic societies will observe the serial transit of Venus between the Sun and Earth.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


or where the limits of the wild appear to be...

The lies and hypocrisy have made people more hostile and aggressive but never more understanding and reasonable. It was enough to explain a few centuries ago the three basic main reasons of which the Law for humans could not be given to the other peoples around the wild ancient world. The reasons still are really very serious and without explaining them there are danger circumstances which could be generated, some of them had lied beyond the limits of the ordinary mind and could cause a damage. That is why there had been defined a hierarchy of priests and military. Those days it has been very hard to understand, as well today is... It was not enough for one to be enlighten how to enter the new world. It was hard to pass the study for the ordinary crowd. It is written how many years were necessary for one “crowd” of people to take off their wild habits, mostly tаken from different ancient tribes. The ordinary ancient entity had liked many excessive acts which had made their life more exiting or thrilling, as many people like nowadays to live dynamically or to live in danger. Another reason that has been explained many times is abusing the law and the self-nomination with supreme rights, approached by egocentric people with damaged or primitive minds which has been happened often in the history and always had very wild extreme end.
There was a strong necessity of new clear intentions, new noble clear ways, clear purposes. So many centuries have been taken to open people minds to avoid bad habits and start to understand, bit-by-bit, and make them to complete their human entities. It took long to realize, such flat 2-dimensional thinking is not acceptable to call “global”, and those synthetic philosophies or religions they constructed for the past 2 centuries caused problems which raised more and more complicated, right because of their covered selfish blindness in stupid pride. This took million people away from the truth. It took long for the lost people to stop repeat and listen to lies, to leave them and to start create their personalities, asking themselves “is it wrong, or is it right” only for their own acts and speech, according the laws of their States and according the Original.
In the history we have one and same phenomenon: there is no science which could eliminate the “spiritual” part of the human mind. All the knowledge in the world couldn't made any religion to fade away after the demolishing of the Second Temple. There is some unknown for the science substance of the human entity which always turns back thirsty to the belief, even after decades of atheism. Many people approach the point of understanding, in which without this “unknown” part, they could lose their entities. Most people could guess how we call this part of us.
In the world of masses have been written rules which very often have been similar to the slavery or the feudal order. Why it should be so hard? Because masses have not had the quality called “self control”. In the times of the beginning of the New Age, the European tribes just have began to study about the human entity and its limits. The truth only was hidden in a big lie. Not only one man has been sacrificed for the world but ONE NATION (and even many times further), the nation who have kept the law and searched the right way for giving it living in a long exile. Unfortunately, in the process of study among the ancient peoples, a lot of misunderstanding and disagreements had been appeared, because of their concerns about receiving the Law. There are rules for this procedure, some named periods of studying the laws. It is not and will be not so simple right because the danger of misunderstanding, abusing and braking the laws. The governments around the world have implemented guides of administration, nomenclature order and punishment codes just because the frivolous mind could not accepted these limits very often. Except that, the European “administration” had not kept true and clear conception for their implementations. Even more, they brought the laws to their extreme possible limits even for themselves, unsuitable with the healthy state of the human mind, right because the misunderstanding, which grown further in many complications and they could concluded in a simple word - “torture”. In a similar manner act some governments in other parts of the world.
Sometimes people don't know the simple values of the correct behavior and proper manners. Why they should do this or that? Where is the point and if there is any matter? The one's mind sometimes wants to go wild, to make bad jokes, to torture good people, to steal.
Where are the limits of the wild – in a supreme structure we call Homo Sapiens, which means Human Reasonable! The Latin word “sapiens” means reasonable not “modern”. We should be not just modern machines wearing nice suites or awful torn tatters “because they are modern”. We should know that our clothes even influence our minds and after a few days we could start look like our clothes: to act like them, to “think” like them, to “walk” like them. You don't believe? Then put on a counterposed shoes style and feel the difference. Then ask yourself “Why these shoes are not comfortable to me but other people do like them? Yes, you should take care for your personality because there could be (just a little) something wrong inside. Just to suppose there could be until we make it clear. This way, when we start to estimate and build opinion about the world, we should have been already constructed “our best person” which can “see right” and “think right”.
The difference between the wise man and the rude fellow are obvious. The “sage” has understood his personality in the childhood; in the early teenage he starts to develop the maximum of his person; in the end of his 20-s he got his “best person” but he never stops to develop it  and he keeps it in his old age . They approach their goals of life more difficult mainly because of the hostile discrimination from the majority. Their society is not too large and the most of masses do not like the “different” people.
The rude fellow could just live his life in fight with the rest of the world, to chase and approach some goals no matter of the means and weapons. Very often there could dominate the goals of our parents but also there could be NO goals. The parents could have not been provoked the person inside to be developed. Very often people are left to develop themselves from their early childhood and after a few decades they could realize some emptiness or incompleteness. There are 2 more scenarios about their lives: first is they have not experienced the human values and their applications in the well-developed human society and life, and consecutively they have become criminals; second is when they feel the emptiness inside and got awakened trying to develop their personalities with help from outside but there are plenty “helpers” waiting for their victims. Very often there are suspicious religious or criminal organizations who try to catch such lost lonely persons and “create” from them hostile fanatics.
The sages could never act this way because they have the knowledge and inner power to understand the importance of the human life for the evolution of the mankind, the health of people's minds and the future of our world. TWO general conclusions from all the history of this world we could approach: DON'T abuse the laws; DON'T lead the human mind to its extreme point of existence, beyond its possible limits!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Home sweet home

I know, He knows me.
Somewhere His angel sits  beside,
and I can feel the kind pure living lights,
how fall down on me right from the heights.

I know, He knows me.
My soul is striving for the plentful ocean
which waters had been hidden far away from those
whose world is built in bloody darkness.

I know, He is always there,
for those whose life is in savagery stollen,
for those who dare to say His precious words,
for those whose spirits seek the home.

I know, He cares for us.
He needs to say alot.
Do we remember Him and do we listen
to His careful wisdom from above?...

I always knew, He is the One
and there's no science that can say me "no".
The science says "the quanta interact,
we've got the antimatter..."
Of course, we know for long long time ago...

The men of science try to reach the same -
the precious holly home
whose hidden light makes us to fight,
diserving long-dreamed worlds of Heights,
the worlds of purest highest bright.

They try, they try so hard,
they search inside the dark...
We could find it only in our known consistence
of our bodies, our mind and heart
still standing on this ancient ground,
the planet Earth in the Solar system.

Friday, April 20, 2012


                                                             "Every similarity with individuals and facts is occasional! “

According the affirmations of some devoted teachers, in unknown place of the Earth there is a land where there are living good righteous people. The most devoted have claimed that some ancient sages have left a hidden message for it in their books, written with holly language but only a devoted sage from the family of these sages could decipher the script and reveal the meaning. In the past times many descendants of the selfish borags had tried to steal these books or to destroy them because they knew about the powerful treasure hidden among their pages. They wanted to own the world with their egocentric selfishness. They couldn't assume that the Laws and the wisdom written in these books cannot serve such wildness, and they have been written with the purpose to save the Humankind in a holly purity and goodness for all times. Borags have become more evil, started to slaughter the nation of the ancient sages, so none of the people of the world could ask for help or permission to climb even a step from the ladder to the land of sages. If there have been such people, borags have punished them till death and after that they have thrown the guilt over the sages and their righteous belief. They established some proverbs like: “two good things on a same place...” ; “overpious person even for G-d is...”; “too much goodness is too much to...” and etc. So century by century, almost twenty of them, the trails of the supreme wisdom had become more and more invisible. There were even more hard times in the past when the sages have forbidden by the Empire of borags to perform any part of their Laws and culture for about 1000 years, hoping that their generations will just vanish in the wind of the time, but they forgot one thing – nobody could destroy their souls and they do not belong to the borags, even after a life-time, because the wisdom lives inside for ever. Soul of a sage belongs to the supreme worlds.
Every massacre from those borags over the people was written millions of times in the history of the Earth in our world as well, as in the higher worlds. Soon or later, every criminal act or bad lie comes back from the above on the neck but the borags were so ignorant to be reasonable for the future of the Humankind. Their hearts were enclosed in a rude hard shell and the human life have meant nothing to them, just like they were wild predators in human bodies. Their arrogant ignorance had developed the lie and hypocrisy in a compulsory science in the Senate of the Latin empire thousands of years ago, later called “sophistry”. Could any healthy mind suppose, that they call the brutal insanity “precious variety” and even encourage its development for the sake of change? In the modern days, a phrase of Eddie Izzard became one of the famous quotes: “Guns don't kill people. People kill people...” and it is insane when somebody takes life away with no guilt, no court, no justice, with or without a gun.
The sages had hidden the wisdom from the world of the borags, hoping some day in the far future borags will be ready to become humans, and to live in peace, kindness and righteousness. Through all these centuries they have worked to develop and prepare a complete explanation and guide to their culture for the seeking pure human souls, and to reveal the deadly lies which had been vomited by the borags all the time. People have been waiting and they have known, that it will take time for the Supreme court of the Highest worlds to perform the punishment over the borags and their insanity. Soon comes the time, when no beast could be born in a human body any more and all the insanity will be wrenched out of existence.

Friday, March 23, 2012

To Aileen

To Aileen, a friend from the other side of the world

When I feel so lost
between dimensions in the Space,
when I found my dreams
of Heaven on the Earth are broken,
when the heart is bleeding
in a secret silent place
watching Love is slipping out
of our world of concrete,
when the spirit searches the Light
like a sunflower on empty field the Sun,
when the Soul is desperately searching freedom
in the purity of shiny skies
like the lonely river
that fights the ground to reach the ocean
and turn back  her tired body home.

Then you my friend,
you always feel my inner tears
without a whisper
how silently are falling down.
Then you my friend,
you always know the way to slake
my thirsty soul in time.
You always send
a precious piece of you to me
and always sweep away the pain of mine.

For us, these thousands miles is hitch
to find each other with a single blink.
We know, we always live together
in painless world without a distance
where Love is a precious word
and lives for ever,
where Love is free and pure -
a diamond crystal,
we always keep it as a treasure.

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