Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Open letter to the attention of the Presbyterian Church and other organizations or individuals with similar views

To the attention of:
The Presbyterian Church,
All Organizations and Individuals
with similar to this Church's opinion
about the legitimacy of Israel *
and about the support of the boycott against Israel

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
In the manner of the most possible effective presentation, I will expose here only true facts and will quote well-known or accessible texts from the Bible, articles and documents published in official Internet sources that are already have been published on paper.
Here are the facts:
  • Before Abraham and Sarah had come to Canaan [1](Genesis, 11:31, 12:5) from Ur of Chaldeans (Persia) , the land has been populated by multiple tribes whose start had been given by Canaan, the son of Noah. Abraham and Sarah are also descendants of Noah, as everybody knows [1]. In the article of Ancient History Encyclopedia, Canaan, is written that “there is no scholarly consensus on precisely where the name (of Canaan) originated” [2]. Considering the Bible, the land have had the best climate and geographical conditions, for which G-d called Canaan the land of “milk and honey” [1]. This explanation is written in Torah (particularly the books of Moses) in many positions in its chapters. Here is not necessary to cite them because every Church is aware of the texts from the Bible. So and so, all of you have free access to the Bible in Internet, if of course you don't possess a copy of the official version translated from Hebrew.
    He, G-d, has wanted to give Canaan to the Jews not only because Abraham and Sarah have given there the birth of the Jewish tribes on that land before the Exile in Egypt but because the people of that land have become sinners and they have not deserved the land [1] (Exodus, 23:24,33) [3]. In the movie Exodus Revealed we will learn that according to the archaeological evidences in Egypt (particularly the land of Goshen which is part of Mitzraim), the Hebrews have had specific building construction skills, referenced only to the culture of Canaanites in those ancient times, particularly in the 19 century BCE, so we can easily assume that Hebrews have already been lived in Canaan [3]. In the detailed article of Ancient History Encyclopedia we will see that Canaanites worshiped the “goddess Astarte and her consort Baal” [2], the sinful religion of Canaan that is cited in the book of Exodus [1], and there are archaeological evidences about the Israeli invasion in the region between 1250 – 1200 BCE [2][3].
  • The name of Palestine (Syria-Palestina) has been given by the Roman Emperor Hadrian in 131 - 132 CE (Bar Kohba revolt) [4][5][6][7] destroying the facts about the colonization of Israel - slaughter and enslavement of the Jewish people - especially after the battle at Masada since 66 till 73 CE [4][5] in which time The Emperor Titus has destroyed the Second Temple in 70 CE [4][5][6]. The Emperor Hadrian also renamed Jerusalem into “Aelia Capitolina”. If the name of Jerusalem today is legitimate, how could the name of Israel be not legitimate? Obviously the Bible consists all the necessary historical evidences to approve the legitimacy of Israel, as the historical evidences approve the legitimacy of Israel themselves. All we know as well that both Israel and Judea ancient kingdoms have been populated by the twelve Jewish tribes after their Exodus from Egypt back to the land of Canaan..
  • The antisemitism against the Jews started with the very hard mistake of blaming the Jewish kingdom about the crucifixion of Jesus but not to blame the Roman Emperor and his Deputy Pontius Pilate. The guilt with which they have charged Jesus has been written on a tablet mounted on his cross, which according to the New Testament has been: “Jesus from Nazareth King of Israel”[1] (Matthew, 27:29,37). According to the laws of the Roman Emperor, there hasn't been another official tributary Israeli king except Herod and Jesus appeared to be a rebel who has threaten the integrity of the Roman Empire and being a rebel against the subjugated monarch Herod. If people start to believe they can banish the Romans with the help of their Messiah, they could start a war followed by a massacre. Exactly that has happened since 66 till 73 CE at the famous historical citadel Masada [4][5][6] which has been following by a massive Roman massacre all over the Jewish land. For a long time after Jesus the Roman Empire has persecuted and massacred Christians without the help of Jewish people until Constantine the Great has legalized the Christianity.
  • In the VII-th century CE Islamic Arabs have colonized the land of the new Syria-Palestina, and have started to convert the rest of people there, while interbreed with them, and these conversions Muslims have been proceeded in the very close past times, especially during the Ottoman Empire. Palestine has been a Christian province under the rule of Constantine the Great since 330 to 640 CE when the land has been invaded by Muslim forces [7]. According to a genealogical research taken by an Israeli University, both Jews and Palestinians have common genetic roots [8]. The common roots of Jews and Palestinians are defined as Canaanites according to a genealogical and archaeological research taken by the Universidad Complutense (Madrid, Spain) published by Elsevier Science Inc [9].
  • After the Dreyfus affair in 1894 in France (although the anti-Jewish antisemitism persisted through all the centuries of the CE), Jews have realized that they would live under stressing antisemitism unless they have their own country [10]. I will not mention all those many grotesque massacres of Jews since the I-st century CE till the Holocaust in the XX century CE because they deserve much more attention. In response of the fascistic European behavior, the Jewish community have created a new political concept of Zionism, which has believed in the creation of a Jewish land . The only work of the Zionist movement has been saving all Jews who have lived under fascist threat because of their culture and religious difference from other Europeans [11].
  • The Balfour Declaration from November 1917 has been written to establish a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine [12]. On 23 March 1918 Hussein bin-Ali, Sharif of Mecca, has written in the daily newspaper of Mecca that "the return of the exiles to their homeland will prove materially and spiritually an experimental school for their brethren who are with them in the fields, factories, trades and all things connected to the land" [12]. The same newspaper has written in November 1918 that the Arabian community could not welcome millions of Jews who could dictate their business.
  • On April, 25-th 1920 is written a Resolution from the conference of San Remo which has explicit legitimized the Balfour Declaration from November, 1917 [13].
  • In 1922 the Council of the League of Nations has recognized Transjordan as a state and has excluded the lands east of the Jordan river [14]. Transjordan included the lands of the ancient semitic Moab and Edom kingdoms. In a result of that many Palestinians have emigrated from Transjordan to the land east of the Jordan river. The League of Nations has given to the United Kingdom a mandate over Palestine accepting the Balfour Declaration [14].
  • After the German Nazi Fuhrer has been elected on March, 5-th 1933 many scientists and artists have left the country. Since April 7, 1933 for the Jews it has become impossible to have civil jobs under the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service. In the same year during systematic boycotts many Jewish stores have been broken [15][15a]. Since September, 15 1935 with the legalization of the Nuremberg Laws it has become impossible for Jews to have any legal life or business - a monstrous anti-human act against innocent people with "different" religion and culture who haven't abused the social system or ain't obstructed the human rights and freedom [15][15a]. They just have been a minority and for the German majority has been easier to misappropriate the Jewish properties.
  • The Nazi Fuhrer has reached the point of the "Final decision" in 1941 for extermination of all Jews [15][15a]. The dirty trick here is that he has made this decision before 1933 and since 1935 he has started to build the campuses of death and to transport there Jews from all over the Europe. The Jews have thought that in these campuses they will bake bread or will build some manufacture but … there was no mercy ... excluding lucky Jews like those saved by Raoul Wallenberg, Oscar Schindler, Corrie ten Boom, Jan Karski and Irena Sendler.
  • The Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem Amin al-Husseini has met the Nazi Fuhrer in 1941 and have assisted him to transport 585 000 Jews from Hungary to the campus of death Auschwitz-Birkenau with 30 000 Muslim soldiers mainly from Bosnia, included in the Waffen SS [16][16a]. The Mufti has insisted that no Jewish to be allowed to emigrate from Europe. Another monstrous treacherous anti-human act against Semitic people from Semitic people who should know the story about the Jewish exile in the Roman empire.
  • In 1948 Israel has been proclaimed as a state by the United Nations. All Arabian neighbors have started a war before Jewish people to be able to take a breath from the Holocaust. Another monstrous anti-human criminal act in which Arabians declared their intentions to "drown the Jews into the sea" [17] - criminal hatred intention without any normal reason. Instead of shame, Palestinians show the arrogance to ask for land from Israel but not from Jordan where most of them came from, while intentionally try to destroy Israel [16b]. In this criminal war Israeli people defended their selves ALONE against all neighbors. On May 5, 1977 the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) published in a Dutch newspaper, that their objective remains destruction of the designed state of Israel [17]. Why that happened that Arabs can have so many Arabian states but they refuse to accept even one single Jewish state?
    I can only add in conclusion that:
  • The people who didn't want to spend their life in peace after the Second World War obviously were not the Jewish people. All that the Arabian nations showed through the history was unreasonable and unlimited anti-human behavior of criminal hatred against the first human beings who brought the first law for humans onto all the nations, a law of faith, honesty, purity and peace. The People of Israel who have been a subject of envy because of their supreme belief in one God. Just because they wanted peace and order through all the centuries, the rest of nations gave them hatred, slaughter and war. It was not enough for the nations and at last they decided to deprive the Israeli People of land. Now they, the children of the envy and hatred even dare to pretend to be “the only humans with supreme rights” over all the rest of the world. Here is the difference: the Jews create and develop everything for the sake of God and for the world's goodness until other people make everything for their own sake and to “conquer” the world.
  • When this “world order” will approach at least the final point of national and international stability in which any organization or individual who shares any criminal manifestation of hatred against Israeli people or any other people in the world, should NOT have the right to conduct any relation or vote in the Council of UN until the complete rectification of its policy regarding the human rights, values and methods proven by the majority of nations.
  • What we see now in the world is a massive concoction of ideological and political turmoils because of the misunderstanding of the jurisdiction against such criminal manifestations. Even more - they are legal. What kind of international justice do you have people? Where is your anti-criminal law? Is it International or selective - only for Israel? Who do perform those International laws in this world order and who don't? Who do protect the Christians in the Middle East? The answer is Israel. The last very important question is: since when and why religious organizations in their incompetence have the right to block any economical relations of a country, especially if these relations improve the security or increase the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of all participating countries without unacceptable interferences?
So, Ladies and Gentlemen, you all could be honest before yourselves and confirm the legitimacy of the state of Israel!

    * The sources for the citing of dates and phrases are: the Bible, official documentary movies published in YouTube about the WWII, official documents from the WWII. All documentary sources are published in Internet and could not be faked/ falsified because of their historical official approval! For the citing of the daily newspaper of Mecca is used Wikipedia. Here have been used the next official web-sources:
1. The Bible,
2. Ancient History Encyclopedia, Canaan,
3. Discovery Media Productions, Exodus Revealed,
4. Wikipedia, Judea ,
5. Wikipedia, Judea (Roman province),
6. History of Israel,
7. Ancient History Encyclopedia, Palestine,
8. University Genetics Study Shows Palestinians are Jews part 2,
9. Elsevier Science Inc., S0198-8859(01)00288-9; Department of Immunology an Molecular Biology, H. 12 de Octubre, Universidad Complutence, Madrid, Spain
10. Wikipedia, Dreyfus affair,
11. Wikipedia, Zionism,
12. Wikipedia, Balfour Declaration,
13. Wikipedia, San Remo conference,
14. Wikipedia, Jordan,
15. Holocaust Encyclopedia, Timeline of Events 1933-1938,
15a. Holocaust Explained,
16. The Turban and the Swastika :
16a. Nazi Palestinians and the holocaust: the muslim Bosnian Waffen SS:  
16b. Chronology of statements of Palestinian leaders:
17. Benjamin Netanyahu 28 years old,

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