Friday, April 20, 2012


                                                             "Every similarity with individuals and facts is occasional! “

According the affirmations of some devoted teachers, in unknown place of the Earth there is a land where there are living good righteous people. The most devoted have claimed that some ancient sages have left a hidden message for it in their books, written with holly language but only a devoted sage from the family of these sages could decipher the script and reveal the meaning. In the past times many descendants of the selfish borags had tried to steal these books or to destroy them because they knew about the powerful treasure hidden among their pages. They wanted to own the world with their egocentric selfishness. They couldn't assume that the Laws and the wisdom written in these books cannot serve such wildness, and they have been written with the purpose to save the Humankind in a holly purity and goodness for all times. Borags have become more evil, started to slaughter the nation of the ancient sages, so none of the people of the world could ask for help or permission to climb even a step from the ladder to the land of sages. If there have been such people, borags have punished them till death and after that they have thrown the guilt over the sages and their righteous belief. They established some proverbs like: “two good things on a same place...” ; “overpious person even for G-d is...”; “too much goodness is too much to...” and etc. So century by century, almost twenty of them, the trails of the supreme wisdom had become more and more invisible. There were even more hard times in the past when the sages have forbidden by the Empire of borags to perform any part of their Laws and culture for about 1000 years, hoping that their generations will just vanish in the wind of the time, but they forgot one thing – nobody could destroy their souls and they do not belong to the borags, even after a life-time, because the wisdom lives inside for ever. Soul of a sage belongs to the supreme worlds.
Every massacre from those borags over the people was written millions of times in the history of the Earth in our world as well, as in the higher worlds. Soon or later, every criminal act or bad lie comes back from the above on the neck but the borags were so ignorant to be reasonable for the future of the Humankind. Their hearts were enclosed in a rude hard shell and the human life have meant nothing to them, just like they were wild predators in human bodies. Their arrogant ignorance had developed the lie and hypocrisy in a compulsory science in the Senate of the Latin empire thousands of years ago, later called “sophistry”. Could any healthy mind suppose, that they call the brutal insanity “precious variety” and even encourage its development for the sake of change? In the modern days, a phrase of Eddie Izzard became one of the famous quotes: “Guns don't kill people. People kill people...” and it is insane when somebody takes life away with no guilt, no court, no justice, with or without a gun.
The sages had hidden the wisdom from the world of the borags, hoping some day in the far future borags will be ready to become humans, and to live in peace, kindness and righteousness. Through all these centuries they have worked to develop and prepare a complete explanation and guide to their culture for the seeking pure human souls, and to reveal the deadly lies which had been vomited by the borags all the time. People have been waiting and they have known, that it will take time for the Supreme court of the Highest worlds to perform the punishment over the borags and their insanity. Soon comes the time, when no beast could be born in a human body any more and all the insanity will be wrenched out of existence.

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